• 1. Basket
  • 2. Delivery and Payment
  • 3. Delivery information
  • 4. Checkout
Product Name Quantity Price excl. VAT per piece Price without VAT Discount
{{ item.code }}
{{ item.name }}

The goods are in stock

{{ item.selectedVariant.name}}
{{ item.selectedGraphic.name}}
{{ item.selectedPackage.name}}
{{ item.selectedType.name}}
{{ item.price | priceFilter }} € {{ (round((item.price - (item.price*item.discount ))* item.counter)) | priceFilter }} € 0 % {{ checkDiscount(item)*100 }} %

{{ ac.name }}

{{ ac.price }} € {{ (ac.price*ac.counter) | priceFilter}} €

Quantity discounts:
{{ d.from }} - {{ d.to }} pieces = {{ d.value}} %,

Your wholesale discount is: {{ userDiscount.value }} %

Total price without VAT{{ (round(totalCartAccPrice+totalCartPrice)) | priceFilter }} €

Total price with VAT{{ (round(totalCartAccPriceDHP+totalCartPriceDPH)) | priceFilter }} €

Method of transportation
Method of payment

Shipping and payment price {{ checkEmpty(carrierSelected.price) + checkEmpty(paymentSelected.price)}} €

Total price with VAT{{(round(totalCartAccPriceDHP+totalCartPriceDPH + checkEmpty(carrierSelected.price) + checkEmpty(paymentSelected.price))) | priceFilter}} €

Contact information

Billing information

Contact information

Name and surname {{ name }}

E-mail: {{ email }}

Phone: {{ phone }}

Note: {{ note }}

Billing information

ID: {{ company_number }}

TAX ID: {{ company_number2 }}

Company name: {{ company_name }}

Street: {{ street }}

City: {{ city }}

ZIP: {{ zip }}

Delivery to another address

Street: {{ different_address }}

City: {{ different_city }}

ZIP: {{ different_zip }}

Product Name Quantity Price excl. VAT per piece Price without VAT
{{ item.code }}
{{ item.name }}

The goods are in stock

{{ item.selectedVariant.name}}

{{ item.selectedVariant.name}}
{{ item.selectedGraphic.name}}
{{ item.selectedPackage.name}}
{{ item.selectedType.name}}
{{ (item.price) | priceFilter }} € {{ (item.price * item.counter) | priceFilter }} €

{{ payment.name }}

{{ payment.price }} €

{{ delivery.name }}

{{ delivery.price }} €

Total price without VAT{{(round(totalCartAccPrice + totalCartPrice + checkEmpty(carrierSelected.price) + checkEmpty(paymentSelected.price))) | priceFilter}} €

Total price with VAT{{ (round(totalCartAccPriceDHP + totalCartPriceDPH + checkEmpty(carrierSelected.price) + checkEmpty(paymentSelected.price))) | priceFilter}} €

Thank you for your order